Card of the Day-6 August 2017

Lightning (Power) and Spring Equinox (Rebirth)

What powerful energies seem to be present today! Perhaps it deals with this upcomingphotomania-498d8ccceded9b18d4be2f716c43e405 Full Moon/ Eclipse on Monday. Today we are being told to retake our power. Stop littling yourself and shrinking away from fear or for the sake of others. You have much to offer the world but you can’t do any of that if you’re not allowing your authentic self to shine like the star that you are! (Maybe that’s just my Leo sun talking ;))
photomania-9293ca2a8d49fc37d1cdabd181031336If you reclaim your power then it will feel like a rebirth–a renewal. It can feel like you’re a new person but you aren’t. You are simply whole. You’re not denying an aspect of yourself to please others. I know. I have done this on numerous occasions and have only now reclaimed my own power and it can be hella scary! I constantly worry about what others will think, if I may lose someone because they don’t agree with my path but that’s their problem. Not mine. I cannot masquerade as someone I’m not simply to make them feel better.
So, my friends, focus today on reclaiming your personal power, what that means to you, and have it can help you sort of go through a cycle of renewal and newness. What are some things you can do daily to help acheive this new stage? No one said it was easy but it’s worth it.

*Cards are from the Earth Magic oracle deck by Steven D. Farmer


Happy Sunday!

The Autumn Witch

Card of the Day-5 August 2017


Life in and of itself is a learning experience. We’re constantly learning, even if we aren’tphotomania-743de9c3d63045e24785bdffeead1299 reading a book, which is what people generally associate knowledge with. Of course, it’s a method of learning–but only one. That painful break-up serves us a point to learn. That beautiful baby nestled in our arms is likewise a great teacher. Even more subtle, energy itself teaches us as we learn valuable information simply by attuning in.
Today is all about recognizing those various soruces of knowledge and to know that we are all students in life. This lessens the pressure to be on top of everything at all times as well as serves as a vessel for healing.
Take time today to even honor this by actively seeking to learn something new. Find a new recipe and create a delicious lunch. Grab a book and read. Sit beneath a tree and ask that it let you learn about it energetically. Even watching YouTube videos can be educational–what a day and age we live in! 🙂


“Learning comes naturally for me and through actively attuning to the energy of All, knowledge is mine to behold. I know what it is I need to know, when the appropriate time comes.”–The Autumn Witch

This card is from the Angel Insight Pack: Oracle Cards for Inspiration, Guidance, and Wisdom by Christine Astell

Card of the Day-4 August 2017

2 of Chalices and Queen of Pentacles

These cards would NOT let me shuffle them properly then these two flipped over without photomania-d904c4c9529b60a682e202fc389815f6me drawing them so needless to say, Spirit WANTED this message! Lol.

A partnership or relationship may present itself today. Conversely, if you are already in a relationship then today may be a day which only strengthens and deepens your connection and bond to one another. There’s respect and equal exchange of energies and love in a relationship. You can have it all, My Darling. A loving relationship, a strong friendship, a respectable business partnership, and success. There’s an union of two individuals possible but it’s your decision whether you seize the opportunity or not.

photomania-e5cc1fe3cc9a448fe68e7acb973db01bI usually have a quite longer write-up but today’s cards seem very much direct. I looked at them and immediately knew precisely what they were talking about. And ya’ll the Queen of Pentacles is very Venus for me right now and I have no idea why. I’ll go with it lol.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!





Brightest of Blessings,

The Autumn Witch


*Cards are from the Rider-Waite deck


(Excuse the horrid camera quality. I have no clue what’s wrong. Ugh, Technology, right?)


Card of the Day-3 August 2017

Gaia’s Garden

How appropriate a card for this season, especially only a couple of days after the celebration of Lughnasadh. It is customary on all three of the harvest festivals (though I photomania-0a4605aa01de029c30994f021e23b3bffeel Samhain may be the exception for most) to give thanks for the blessings and manifestations that have come to fruition within our lives. A couple of days ago, or yesterday for me, we gave thanks for what we’ve already begun to reap with the hopes of more yet to come. Gratitude is one of the most beautiful vibrations and if you follow the law of attraction, when you send that vibration out, you will receive more things to be grateful for. It’s a beautiful cycle.

However, once our rituals are done and the circles have been released, we go about our daily lives which may or may not include regular prayers of thanks. This is what we are being reminded of today. There are always reasons to be grateful and it’s important to keep them in mind and give thanks. You needn’t wait for a holiday. These small moments of prayer should be within our daily habits. It could be a simple prayer before meals, before bed, or even just as small as a “Thank You!” whispered to the Universe.

How do you express gratitude? Is it on a daily basis or reserved for only the special occasions? Gratitude isn’t like fine china, my friends. No need to keep it stored away until the next family get-together. If you don’t already have a gratitude practice, how could you go about integrating it into your daily life as it is?

Brightest of Blessings,

The Autumn Witch

*Card is from the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle Deck by Colette Baron-Reid

#CardoftheDay #OracleCard #Message #Gratitude #Harvest #Holidays #Sabbat #Lammas #Lughnasadh #Life #LawofAttraction #Blessings #Thankfulness #Rituals #DailyPractices #Manifestations #Goals #Dreams #Desires #Magick

Card of the Day-2 August 2017

Card of the Day-2 August 2017

The 7 of Wands and 9 of Swords (Jumper) photomania-69cdd936c22b84cf4543c55d9e452e00

You may feel guarded and defensive today—with rightful cause. There’s a heaviness that weighs upon your mind that has been haunting you for quite some time. Maybe it’s an issue that has even crept into your very nightmares. It’s painful and tormenting as you may feel hopeless and alone. This could be caused by you or another person. More than likely it’s a deep-rooted issue finally coming to light—or resurfacing. One that is going to require every last ounce of will, creativity, and mental power to release. Prepare to tackle it head-on instead of sweeping it back underneath the rug where it will only fester and plague you further.

photomania-41ae1fa6f1392689d460e8249c83458cTrue transformation isn’t easy and takes time. It’s a process—not a once and you’re done event. There’s some energy building but it’s time to conquer your fear. It’s time to heal. It’s important to remember that you are never alone. Spirit is always there, awaiting your call for help. Just as your spirit guides, ancestors, and angels. They can’t help unless you ask. Sometimes we become so swept up in our mundane, hectic, and chaotic lives that we become disconnected from Spirit and whenever this happens, we do end up with a feeling that we are the only ones who must tackle our problems. We begin to feel scared and isolated. Whereas when you shift back into remembering that you have such a large spiritual support system, you feel empowered and full of love and confidence. It’s a significant shift.

This is your call to finally heal. Transform, little caterpillar. You’ve been suffering for long enough—perhaps longer than you should’ve. Rise up, stand your ground, and assert yourself. Creativity may be needed but you can do it. If you feel like this issue is too ingrained, ask for help in releasing and healing from it. Remember, it’s a process and you may need to repeat whatever it is you need to do a couple of times before it really takes hold. That’s okay. So long as the work is finally being done. It’s time to let go. You’ve been holding on for far too long. Heal. Transform. Carry on.


Brighest of Blessings,

The Autumn Witch

Card of the Day-31 July 2017

2 of Pentacles Reversed & Knight of SwordsCOTD-31 July 17

You may find yourself in an uncomfortable dance as you desperately attempt to find balance in your life. There may be a situation that you’ve been weighing the pros and cons about, unsure and undecided. This has only led to turmoil and struggle as you constantly try to maintain a sense of order and groundedness. This could be caused by your desire to spring forward into action. Perhaps you hold the belief that you must constantly be in control of life and that passive actions are non-actions.

Unfortunately, when we refuse to make room for a flow of energy, when we cling too tight to what we want or believe, we create the very imbalance we are struggling with. We try to force our timing onto situations and the outcomes we hope for when they may not be for our highest good. The tireless juggling and dancing is holding you back. Are you in your own way? Take time today to make room and just step away. Allow the Universe/Spirit/God/Goddess to be of help. You needn’t do everything alone. It’s okay to ask for help. Sometimes we are our very worst enemies.


*Cards are from the Rider-Waite Deck

Brightest of Blessings,

The Autumn Witch

Cards of the Week: 31 July 17-6 August 17

Monday/Tuesday—The Desert Prince Reversed

Though this card deals with survival and false promises, the imagery is very ferocious, photomania-17e2bcd307674f8bc42bb9eb2750d1a8 Leo-y, and vibrant. It’s about control, desire, motivation, courage, and the feeling you must continue pushing forward lest you may not succeed. Monday and Tuesday, we are being told to release this need for control. This isn’t about being passive and indeed we are clearly being warned to be wary of deceit and/or false promises that others—or ourselves—can’t keep. It’s about removing our pride, our ego, from the equation and taking an objective look around us. It is only through this bird’s eye view that we are capable of gaining any sense of clarity to even learn of such lies and false promises. It is through the flow and not through the forcing of anything, that we are able to discern truth.


photomania-4e3ef4035632012ab3b2305a7af4d61eWednesday/Thursday—The Queen of the Light Reversed

We may find ourselves trying to lessen our light, our brightness, for any reason. It is then we must ask ourselves “what is triggering this reaction?” Why do we hide away our gifts, skills, and talents? Why do you attempt to ignore or hide our authentic selves and instead seek to conform to standards imposed by those who don’t even conform themselves! In order to truly be happy and free, we must learn to embrace our true selves and not dull our spark for anyone. It’s their problem if they can’t handle your brilliance, not yours. Thursday is when Uranus will retrograde in Aries so really pay attention to what is brought up during this time. It can be a time when any illusions are illuminated so that we may instead witness the truth that’s been lurking the entire time. You may find you have likewise kept certain aspects of yourself from reaching the light—why? You must embrace all of you otherwise your light won’t be as bright, My Darling.

The Weekend—Friday, Saturday, and Sunday—The Phoenix photomania-0b6090200494fa14023f92198d6e47eb

If we do what is needed of us, we will experience a beautiful and profound transformation begin to take shape. Like a phoenix we must burn so that we may arise from the ashes, stronger and brighter. You may have found something that you realized wasn’t in alignment with your highest good, that no longer served you, or just wasn’t going anywhere. Release it and instead embrace the change. Life is a cycle and when one journey ends, another begins. This is true even in death for when we die, we only enter a different realm, a different plane, which most definitely becomes a new journey for us until we are reborn and start again.


photomania-776f1b560b498216d99a210c4a6dd568Such beautiful cards and what a wonderful message for this week! Don’t believe we don’t have loads of work to do—collectively and individually—but if we are true to ourselves, to our highest purpose, then we shall not fail. The summary card for this week is The Dream Walker Reversed. Wake up! Everything that is occurring within your life, at this very moment, has been created by your thoughts and your actions. Everything. This is GREAT! Why? Because it means that if this isn’t how you envisioned your life then you have the power to CHANGE it. We’ve become disillusioned and perhaps even completely disinterested or unmotivated. We’ve begun to believe or think that life isn’t a dance we partake in but something that happens to us. We have no control, no movement, nothing. WRONG! If you don’t like where it’s headed, then Darling, salsa right on out of there and work to create and manifest the life of your dreams. This week we have the enlightenment of such a realization—one we may have already known but have since forgotten. Don’t belittle yourself. It happens. We’re being reminded this week that we aren’t trapped. We hold the key to our lives. It’s up to us whether we decide to do something about it or remained locked away in fear.

Brightest of Blessings,

The Autumn Witch


*Cards are from the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid



Card of the Day-13 July 2017

Sisters of the Seasons

Today we are reminded that everything has a natural cycle which starts from the conception to the harvest/completion then rests before beginning anew once more. A perfect reminder of Divine Timing. Recently we began planning our goals and may have even started putting them into action but we may need to be reminded that if we force something to happen, if we strive and begin to force, we may restrict it from manifesting. Instead we must allow for movement. Room for our goals to manifest organically. This is the natural order of all. As humans we can be quite impatient (guilty here!) but 20170713_060654-1everything goes by Divine Timing. Spirit will bring your manifestations into your life at the right moment—not too soon and not too late.

This is just a gentle reminder to breathe. We ourselves go through cycles of change as well so take some time today as well to note where you are in your own personal seasons. Are you having your spring where everything is beginning to grow? Perhaps you are having your own autumn where your goals planted in the actual spring are about ready for harvest? You could be having your own winter where instead there’s a need for reflection and contemplation? Or even summer where everything is just in bloom and you are basking in all that is manifesting within your life? I remember Flora Sage on her CharmingPixieFlora Youtube Channel talking about this a while back but unfortunately the video is no longer available otherwise I would link to it because it was fabulous.

Anyways, the meaning today is sort of two-fold. 1) Remember that everything is in Divine Timing and that it’s the natural cycle of the earth. Therefore, while it’s good to work towards a goal and have determination and really strive for it, you mustn’t force it. This only restricts it. Instead allow the goal to manifest organically. Allow room for the energy to flow. 2) Our own lives embody this cycle of change and growth. Reflect on what season your personal life would be in right now and ask how you can use that to assist you in your goals. Remember you can’t skip a season no matter how hard you may want to. Everything has it’s natural course with each season and stage in life being just as necessary as the next. So when you finally reach that harvest season when all your goals and work are reaching completion, don’t just jump into the next project. Allow some time to contemplate, reflect, and meditate on what’s happened. Allow some down time to chill out beforehand—even if for just a day.

Brightest of Blessings,

The Autumn Witch


*Card is from the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms oracle deck by Collette Baron-Reid


***If you haven’t heard, or don’t follow me on Twitter, I will soon be moving my site. Until it is completely up and ready to function with my being happy and satisfied, I will continue posting here so none of you miss out on my Card of the Day postings.***

To stay up-to-date don’t forget to follow me on Social Media!

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Card of the Day-12 July 2017


Card of the Day
Queen of Pentacles reversed

Feelings of lack may be prevalent today but know that a momentary situation of lack doesn’t equate a lifetime of little. Its during these times we begin anguishing and doubting our selves. We start shifting into a mindset that isn’t in the least bit helpful. Know that though money may seem lacking now, it is on its way, if you believe. Shift your thoughts away from lack and envision yourself prosperous with enough. Hold this image and really breath into it. Feel it with every fiber of your being. It’ll happen. Just be aware of these thoughts of lack and use them to reaffirm what it is you desire. *Card from Rider-Waite deck
#CardoftheDay #COTD #Tarot #Queen #Pentacles #Money #Mindset #Shifting #LawofAttraction #Manifestation #Magick

Card of the Day-11 July 2017

This past full moon was a wonderful opportunity to reflect and take an honest look at what was no longer serving us so that we may release it in order to continue forward on 20170711_100243-1our paths and in our lives. We set goals and intentions that we hope to accomplish within the next few months which wouldn’t be necessarily as easy to accomplish should we have continued carrying that heavy load we were still carrying from the past.

As the work week begins and we start getting back into the humdrum of daily tasks and whatnot, we’re being gently reminded to reflect on our goals, our reasoning behind why we want them, and what we must bring into our lives to achieve them. We may find ourselves grumbling about how hard this is going to be or even doubting ourselves—thus wanting to return to the very things we released since that is what we are comfortable with. While this might be tempting, it isn’t the way. Reflect on what root issue is making you feel this way and how instead you can work to shift that mindset. Also, remind yourself of your goals, your reason why, and your plan. How are you going to do this? That way, when those self-doubting thoughts do arise, you can easily combat them because you CAN do this because you have a plan!

Our egos like to bite at us, belittling and scaring us. Meanwhile, our spirit is what gently supports and reminds us that we deserve all the abundance, happiness, and love in the world. We can do anything if we truly have the will and the desire. Just know, if it’s for your highest good then it will manifest.

So, just take some time and really reflect. Yesterday may have been an emotional day in which we got deep into our heart chakras and allowed our emotions to run a bit more freely than normal. Now is time to get back into our minds a bit. It is only through the unification and balance of mind and heart, ego and spirit, that we are able to achieve our goals, dreams, and desires.


Blessed Be.

The Autumn Witch


This card is from the Earth Magic oracle deck by Steven D. Farmer.


Card of the Day- 10 July 2017

The Knight of Chalices

Emotions are flowing again as we’ve grown more in touch with ourselves and our inner selves recently. For me, this was the main topic during the Full Moon. How was I denying love and emotional connections and how would opening my heart help aid in the 20170709_225708-1manifestation of my goals and dreams? It was some very heavy duty stuff, in all honesty.

Returning to the card, we may have been blocking or denying ourselves an emotional experience due to fear. We’re being told to relax and instead of focusing so much within our minds, allow ourselves to also be led by our hearts. The Capricorn Full Moon may have brought a lot of logical thinking to the forefront and this card is trying to balance that back out. A unification of mind and emotion, head and heart, is needed. This may manifest as either an opportunity or person coming into our lives that will have some sort of emotional impact. If a new relationship has been a goal of yours then make sure to pay attention! They may cross your path soon enough.  If we remain within our heads and restrict the flow then we may miss out. It’s a time to allow some room for manifestation, open our hearts, and simply go with the flow. Allow yourself to tune into your intuition, be open to love and emotional connections, and simply follow your heart. Sometimes the best things in life are felt and not clearly understood. Sometimes we must lead with our hearts.


Brightest of Blessings,

The Autumn Witch


Note: I am now officially back after these past several weeks of inactivity, or limited activity. WOO-HOO! 🙂 


*Card is from the Rider-Waite Deck


Don’t forget you can also find me on Social Media!





Card of the Day-29 June 2017

The Prison Waif

We all have heard of the law of attraction and many of us put it into practice. We know our thoughts become reality and thereby do our best to remain focused on what it is we desire instead of what we no longer want. We do our best to quit bitching and 20170629_062130complaining. We shift to focusing on the positive and holding a place of gratitude within our hearts for the blessings we have been given.
This is always easier said than done and for most people, myself included at times, we just can’t figure out why the hell we aren’t drawing something into our lives. We’ve had success with the LOA before but now, nothing! I’m going to tell you, more often than not, the problem is you. You are what is holding yourself back. More specifically, it’s your limiting beliefs you might hold. Sometimes we are fully aware of these thought patterns while other times we have buried those feelings so completely that we haven’t a clue!
Have you wanted to manifest a new job that you’ll love but as soon as you land that dream interview or job, something bad happens that causes you to lose it? Instead of throwing blame, ask yourself, “am I afraid of success? do I think i’m not good enough?”. You may have limited beliefs which are forcing you to live the same old story without breaking free. In regards to love, you may secretly believe you are unworthy of love regardless of the countless “I deserve love” affirmations you do.
This is good though because it means you have the power to destroy those negative thought patterns to create new more inspired positive thoughts.
Don’t sabotage yourself. You deserve to be happy, loved, free, and to live a life you love. Stop placing the blame on others and take an honest look at yourself. What thoughts do you keep having? This isn’t about scolding or getting angry with yourself. It’s identifying a problem and implementing a solution. Set yourself free of limiting beliefs. Manifest the life you desire. You’re worth it!


*Card is from the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid